Reduce Costs

Reduce operating costs throughout the post-purchase journey

With proactive communications and advanced logistics enablement capabilities, Narvar delivers exceptional experiences for your customers while protecting your margins.
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Intelligent solutions across the customer journey


Reduce WISMO by
up to 60%


Reduce return customer
support costs by 50%


Save up to 89% on
return logistics


Through proactive communication and real-time tracking, Narvar reduces "Where Is My Order?" (WISMO) and "Where is my Refund" (WISMR) calls by up to 60%, lowering customer service expenses.
Lower support expenses with Narvar Notify →

Optimize logistics for cost

Narvar's advanced logistics capabilities enhance the post-purchase experience for both retailers and consumers. Save up to 89% via returns consolidation, maximize margin with smarter return routing, carrier rates and more.
  • Intelligent returns routing
  • Returns consolidation
  • Return-to-vendor capabilities
  • Multi-label generation for returns
  • Multi-carrier rate selection
Optimize reverse logistics with Narvar Return & Exchange →

How a department store saves $18 per returned item with
Narvar’s Return To Vendor (RTV) functionality

Read the customer story →
“Retailers and department stores have the added complexity of managing returns for many different vendor partners. With Narvar’s intelligent routing and multi-label functionality, these businesses can provide an exceptional returns experience for their customers without breaking the bank or causing major headaches in their distribution centers.”
David Morin, VP of Customer Strategy at Narvar

Supercharge your support agents

Narvar's partnerships with Zendesk, Gladly, and more reduce case handling and resolution time by 50%. Provide your agents in-app updates on order details with real-time statuses of outbound and return shipments.

Improve CSAT and build brand confidence by equipping agents with accurate context for order-related inquiries.
Equip support agents with powerful integrations →

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