
How retailers value post-purchase

Pathways to Loyalty and Post-purchase Success

eTail surveyed 100+ retailers on how they maximize post-purchase strategies to drive customer loyalty. They shared what works for them, what doesn't, and how they're improving post-purchase to meet customer retention goals. Download this report to read insights form your retail peers.

Here's what we learned:

  1. Branded tracking pages trump standard display ads in driving website traffic. Investing in post-purchase drives additional conversions.
  2. Providing customers with proactive information about their orders decreases call center volume. Answer questions before customers have to ask them.
  3. By asking for feedback on the delivery experience, retailers are addressing customer experience issues directly. They're giving customers a chance to tell them how they feel.
  4. Brands are working to improve the returns experience. One third of retailers have an online interface where customers can start and manage their own returns.
  5. Branded alerts are on the rise. 28% of retailers send branded notifications about deliveries.
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